Papers Published in Journals O. Ashenfelter and D. Genesove (1992) "Testing for Price Anomalies in Real-Estate Auctions," American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings. 82(2): 501-505.
D. Genesove (1993) "Adverse Selection in the Wholesale Used Car Market," Journal of Political Economy. 101(4): 644-665.
D. Genesove (1995) "Search at Wholesale Auto Auctions," Quarterly Journal of Economics. 110(1): 23-49. 27 pages.
D. Genesove and C. Mayer (1997), "Equity and Time to Sale in the Real Estate Market", American Economic Review, 87(3): 255 269.
D. Genesove and W. Mullin (1998) "Testing Static Oligopoly Models: Conduct and Cost in the Sugar Industry, 1890 1914" The RAND Journal of Economics, 29(2 - Summer,): 355 377. Reprinted in P. Joskow and M. Waterson, Empirical Industrial Organization, Edward Elgar Publishing.
D. Genesove and C. Mayer (2001) "Loss Aversion and Seller Behavior: Evidence from the Housing Market" Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(4): 1233-1260. Reprinted in The New Behavioral Economics, Vol 3,2009, and Advances in Behavioral Economics, Russell Sage Foundation, 2004.
D. Genesove and W. Mullin (2001) "Rules, Communication and Collusion: Narrative Evidence from the Sugar Institute Case", The American Economic Review, 91(3): 379-398. , reprinted in S. Salant and M. Levenstein, Cartels, Edward Elgar Publishing, and M. Waldman J. Johson, Pricing, Edward Elgar Publishing.
D. Genesove (2003) "Nominal Rigidity in Apartment Rents", Review of Economics and Statistics , 85(4): 844-853.
D. Genesove (2004) "Comment on Forni's ''Using Stationarity Tests in Antitrust Market Definition'', American Law and Economics Review, 6(2): 476-478.
D. Genesove and W. Mullin (2006) "Predation and Its Internal Rate of Return: The Sugar Industry, 1887-1914", RAND Journal of Economics, 37 (1- Spring), 47-69. D. Genesove (2008), "Advertising" in S. Durlauf and L. Blume, eds., The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition.
D. Genesove and L. Han (2012) "Search and Matching in the Housing Market", Journal of Urban Economics 72(1): 31-45.
D. Genesove and A. Simhon (2015) "Seasonality and the Effect of Advertising on Price", Journal of Industrial Economics, 63(1): 199-222.
Chapters in Books D. Genesove and W. Mullin (1999) "The Sugar Institute Learns to Organize Information Exchange", pages 103-144, in N. Lamoreaux, D. Raff and P. Temin, Learning By Doing In Markets, Firms and Countries, The University of Chicago Press.
N. Gandal, N. Gantman, and D. Genesove (2007) "Intellectual Property and Standardization Committee Participation in the US Modem Industry", pages 208-230 in S. Greenstein and V. Stango, Standards and Public Policy, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
D. Genesove and L. Han (2013) "A Spatial Look at Housing Boom and Bust Cycles" pages 105-141 in Edward Glaeser and Todd Sinai, eds., Housing and the Financial Crisis, N.B.E.R. Conference Volume, University of Chicago Press.